Yay for fun posts!
I thought I would mix things up a bit and do a fun post for a change. We all go through crazy obsessions from time to time and just cant get enough. I've layed out some of mine in hopes to justify that I am not the only person out there that likes this stuff. If I am? I'm still going to love them just the same. If not to justify my personal feelings, to show you my interests right before Christmas rolls around. **Cough cough, Mom I want a DSLR camera, cough cough***Surprisingly, that cough to get my message out there has been working lately...
My ten latest obsessions:
1. Whole Foods Hot Bar- This obsession is borderline ridiculous. If you haven't tried there hot bar, i suggest staying away before you get sucked in. I will have to admit, the one in MacGrove is not nearly as good as the Calhoun location. One of the cashiers happened to tell me the Edina location is even better. I'm not even sure how that's possible.2. My new booties- I have them in black. I purchased these boots from DSW a few weeks back because I needed something to wear with dress pants at work. I quickly realized they were great for work or play paired with a cute pair of skinny's or flair's.

3. These Banana Republic Shirts- I have it in three different colors. By looking at this picture I wouldn't think I would ever purchase this shirt but it is amazing. There is a little rouching on the side (something I'm not usually into) making this simple look very flattering. Its an easy day to night piece because of the lightweight sweater fabric, length, and versatility to be paired with jeans or leggings.
5. Pinterest- enough said.
6. Apples- Have you not seen all of my apple posts? Apple ginger pork, apple cider sangria, apple tapas, caramel apples, ect.
7. My Curling Iron- Yes I realize I have naturally curly hair but it is so hard to style without tons of sticky greasy product. I learned how to use a curling iron to tame my already existing curls and make it look pretty. Its an extra 20 minutes in the morning but it lasts a few days and is way more manageable.
8. Pumpkins- If you have been my apartment you would know that we have upwards of 20 pumpkins. Damian's dad got me a ton of small pumpkins a few weeks ago to add to my existing large collection.
9. My Lululemon wunder unders- I wear these things daily, even to work under a cute dress. What can be better then dressing in business attire and still wearing lulu?
10. Nashville- This is the new show on Wednesdays after modern. It is so good that I even was able to get Damian hooked on it. Thank goodness for OnDemand.
What are you obsessed with?