Monday, January 21, 2013

Italian Eggplant Stackers.

Again and Again. 

Another morning post! I have the day off from work today because of Martin Luther King's day. It feels great to sleep in and have some extra time to get housework done. I am a little behind on blogging and have tons of photos ready for posts to be written. I have been struggling to make time to get it all done! Have no fear though, I have not forgotten about you. I will have a post coming up with a giveaway, so get excited. 

This recipe was so interesting. I have made eggplant rotini many times in the past, and this turned out a lot different. Essentially, they are the same concept of layering but these stackers are cleaner. I served them with a side of campbell's go soups. We tried the roasted red pepper and gouda flavor and it was amazing. I mixed it with a small plain greek yogurt and could eat it again and again. 

Italian Eggplant Stackers

What you need:
- 1 medium eggplant, sliced into 16 1/2 inch circles
- Mozzarella cheese, sliced into 16 rounds
- 12 oz tomato pesto sauce
- 8 basil leaves
- grated parmesan and parsley for garnish

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Prepare eggplant by baking slices in olive oil, salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper for 15 minutes or until soft. Spread a portion of sauce into the bottom of a glass pan. Add a layer of eggplant slices topped with cheese and a basil leaf. Add another layer of sauce, eggplant, and cheese. Top with sauce and garnish. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 minutes. 
*** I added a layer of deli sliced chicken***